Food Allergy Policy

Food allergies can be life threatening. The risk of accidental exposure to food can be reduced in the school setting if the school works with students, parents/guardians and physicians to minimize risks and provide a safe educational environment for food allergic students. This policy serves as a guideline to Solomon’s policies for food allergies and will be reviewed for each student as the school is made aware of a student’s allergy. A core team consisting of parents/guardians, school staff and the student is required for ensuring a safe environment in the school. Each member has responsibilities as outlined in this policy.

Family/Guardian Responsibility

  • Notify the school of the child’s allergies before the child starts the school year or when allergy is identified.
  • Work with the principal to develop a plan that accommodates the child’s needs throughout school including the classroom, in the cafeteria, in after-care program, during school sponsored activities and on the school bus.
  • Complete the Food Allergy Plan form with school and doctor. It should be updated and reviewed yearly. This includes written medical documentation, instructions and medications as directed by a physician.
  • Provide properly labeled medications and replace medication after use or upon expiration.
  • Educate the child in the self-management of their food allergy including:
    • Safe and unsafe foods
    • Strategies for avoid exposure to unsafe foods
    • Symptoms of allergic reactions
    • How and when to tell an adult they may be having an allergy-related problem
    • How to read food labels (age appropriate)

School Responsibility

  • Be knowledgeable about and follow applicable federal laws including ADA, IDEA, Section 504 and FERPA and any state laws that apply.
  • Review the health records submitted by parent and physicians with staff and school nurse.
  • Identify a core team of, but not limited to, school nurse, teacher, principal, school food service manager, to work with the parents and the student (age appropriate) to establish a prevention plan.
  • Include food allergic students in school activities. Student will not be excluded from school activities solely based on their food allergy.
  • Assure that all staff who interact with the student on a regular basis understand food allergies and can recognize symptoms and knows what to do if the child has an emergency.
  • Ensure that the required medications for the child are easily accessible and not locked up.
  • Designate school personnel who are properly trained to administer medications in accordance with the State Nursing and Good Samaritan Laws governing the administration of emergency medications.
  • Work with the district transportation administrator to assure that the school bus driver training includes symptom awareness if a reaction occurs.
  • Review policies and prevention plan with the core team members, parent/guardians and physician after a reaction has occurred.

Student’s Responsibility

  • Should not take food from others.
  • Should not eat anything with unknown ingredients or know to contain any allergen.
  • Should be proactive in the care and management of their food allergies and reactions based on their developmental level.
  • Should notify an adult immediately if they eat something they believe may contain the food to which they are allergic or experience symptoms.

Kitchen Policy

  • Know what to avoid and substitute. Ask the parents of each student with a food allergy to provide a list of all food ingredients to be avoided. Do not rely on lists of “safe” repackaged food, because ingredients can change often and without warning, making such lists out-of-date quickly.
  • Read labels. Develop a system for checking ingredient labels carefully for every food item to be served to the student with the allergy.
  • Prepare the kitchen. Designate an area in the kitchen where allergy-free meals can be prepared. This area should be a “safe zone” and kept free of ingredients allergic students should avoid.
  • Develop cleaning procedures. Designate a person to be responsible for ensuring that lunch tables and surrounding areas are thoroughly cleaned before and after lunch. Use a designated sponge or cleaning cloth for the allergy-free tables to avoid cross contact.
  • School lunch menu to be sent home each month. Parents /Guardians will work with the child and school to determine which days the child will purchase a school lunch that month.

Approved July 2013

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